Terms of Service for AppyHere

Welcome to AppyHere (the “Service”). The Service is operated and presented to users by AppyHere, LLC (“AppyHere”, “we”, “us”). By using this Service, you signify your agreement to these Terms of Service (“TOS”). If you do not agree to these TOS, do not use this Service. AppyHere reserves the right to modify these TOS, and your continued use shall be your agreement to any updated terms. Note that special terms may apply to some features offered by the Service, like subscription-based premium features or activities. These terms are posted in connection with the applicable feature and are in addition to this TOS, and in the event of a conflict, prevail over these TOS. You acknowledge that these TOS are supported by reasonable and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged.

Last updated on: July 3rd 2023

© 2023 AppyHere llc